Over the last year or so I've been waiting on the Lord to show me the next chapter in the exciting story of serving Him and as a result of meeting with Gary and the Ignite trustees the future is beginning to be clarified:
From January of 2008, my role within Ignite will shift emphasis. I'm going to be taking the good news of Jesus to Wales and the nations, and helping release young people into that ministry. I'll be committed to depositing the Ignite declaration into the lives of young people, and will spend an increased amount of time supporting the ministry of Third Day in my role as their ‘road pastor’. I will be around the daily workings of the Ignite office a lot less and will step down from some director’s responsibilities, but will still be involved in a number of our specific projects.
This marks ongoing steps to the fulfilment of prophetic words spoken over me nearly 5 years ago by Mark Dupont at a conference in Heartland Church, Fort Wayne. I wrote down the key points of the prophecy in my journal and here they are:
*Being handed a shepherd's staff for apostolic ministry and preaching in cities.
*Bringing unity to broken and divided churches.
*An angel of healing and an angel of prophecy will accompany me for the rest of my life.
*Don't take any steps just because they are the pattern of the past, but be led by the Spirit into small but strategic steps, no longer having the freedom to go everywhere.
*A new authority for gospel preaching in Cardiff and Wales.
*Seeing revival fire spread from Wales into the UK and republic of Ireland, into Europe, New Zealand, Australia and America.
Of course, I have begun to see much of this come to pass over the last 5 years but I firmly believe the time is right to increase the intensity and the reality of this prophecy. I wrote my notes on the prophecy in what is now an old journal, but in my current one I wrote the following back in May as a crystallisation of where I am:
I am being called:
To take the good news of Jesus to Wales and the nations
To release young people into that ministry
To deposit the Ignite declaration into young people all over the world
To go outside the church but to go from the church
To trust in God for the people, resources, finance and Holy Spirit power.