I'll be heading out to India in July with a team from City Temple, but I'll be staying on for an extra week or so to host a team of Third Day fans. Here are the details if you are interested:
- The trip will officially begin and end at HYDERABAD RAJIV GHANDI AIRPORT. You will need to book your own flights in and out of here. (Please be aware that there is a Hyderabad airport in Pakistan-don’t book the wrong flights!)
- You will need to arrive in Hyderabad on Thursday 14th July, ready to catch an internal flight onto Rajahmundry on the morning of Friday 15th July.
- We shall be spending 6 nights with Pastor Prasad and his family in their home in Rajahmundry.
- Return to Hyderabad will be on Thursday 21st July ready to catch a flight home either late night Thursday or morning of Friday 22nd July.
- This means that if you so desire, you can add on to your trip a visit to London, England on the outward or return trip, or a few extra days in India, perhaps in the resort area of Goa.
- Hotel and hostel style accommodation is available overnight at Hyderabad airport.
- I shall meet you on Thursday 14th and travel back to Hyderabad with you on Thursday 21st July.
- I shall also book internal flights on your behalf and hotel rooms in Hyderabad airport if needed.
- Our time in Rajahmundry will be guided by Pastor Prasad and myself; Prasad oversees all the work of Gateway Ministries and Ignite India, he had the original vision for the Come Together Compound and his wife is the head teacher of the Gateway School.
- Using his family home as our base (sharing twin rooms), we shall aim to accomplish the following:
- Spending a full day at the Come Together Compound, experiencing life in the Gateway School and in the newly built children’s homes.
- Taking part in some lessons in the school.
- Visiting a variety of Ignite India churches, including those constructed with funds raised at Third Day UK concerts in recent years.
- Visiting the Ignite India church on a leprosy colony.
- Leading services in some of these churches- sharing testimony, preaching, offering prayer ministry.
- Acting as ambassadors of Christ, and representatives of Third Day wherever we go.
- Looking at creative ways in which Third Day and their fans can continue to support the work of the Gateway School and Ignite India.
- You will need to pay for and book your own international flights
- You will need to pay for your own insurance, injections, and visa.
- Internal flight costs will be approx. $200 roundtrip
- Hotel room in Hyderabad will be approx. $110, hostel price considerably cheaper.
- Accommodation, Food, Water, Transport, in Rajahmundry for 6 nights will be $50 per night, total $300 payable to me on arrival in Rajahmundry.
- If you able to bring with you financial gifts from church, family, friends totalling approx. $250 then we will use all this to purchase equipment for the school or gifts of food and clothing to some of the rural pastors or the leprosy colony.
- You will need a small amount of pocket money.
- You will need to email me the following:
1. A short letter confirming your desire to come on this trip, stating your mission experience, and the reasons for you wanting to come.
2. A reference from your Pastor/Church leader.
- Begin to explore flight options and whether you will add on an extra stay.
- Begin to explore India visa application requirements- http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1139.html
- We travel as tourists, visiting friends and visiting a school.
- Begin to explore what medical inoculations you will need.
- Continue to pray for God’s blessing on the trip.
- Approach church, family, friends for sponsorship.
- Once confirmed on the trip you will receive from me –
- A packing list.
- A few things to prepare- testimony, presentation for school class.
- A mission covenant to sign and return.
- A personal details/emergency contact/travel sheet to complete and return.
- A ‘preparing for mission’ Bible teaching to study.