Just back from the New Wine Network Leaders conference in Harrogate, Yorkshire. I was there with Gary Smith from Ignite, Chris Cartwright from City Temple, and Paul Francis from Glenwood church in Cardiff. We were all incredibly impacted by the teaching of Bill Johnson from Bethel Church, Redding, California. The miraculous happens at his church regularly and especially out amongst the local community. He's full of rich wisdom and memorable phrases including the title of this blog entry. Here's a selection of them from just one talk:
* Desperation moves the resources of Heaven.
* We keep crucifying the resurrected man in the name of discipleship.
* There's a confusion between our assignment and our destiny. Our destiny, which is heaven, is certain. Our assignment, which is to display heaven, that's uncertain.
* Jesus didn't die so we could do church, he wants us to disciple nations.
* In a sense, Jesus was showing what a man could do empowered by God.
* The way to stay encouraged is to stay connected with what God is doing.
* Don't pray for a breakthrough, but pray TO BE a breakthrough.
* God has positioned us to carry and release his purposes and his will. WE KNOW what these are we just need to believe them and release them.
* Christianity must be recognised by its fire and passion, not by its disciplines.
* We need Character and Power. Don't fall for just having character, because the world will only change by the power of God not by nice people.
I could go on and on... check out his church website for downloadable sermons, or read some of his books.