Here's our mission team for this week: John and I from Ignite, The Sonflowerz and their parents from Colorado Springs, and the chaplaincy team at the school- Andrew,Dan and Debbie.
It's been a fantastic few days, with a girls only session last night whilst John and I each visited a boys' boarding house and then chapel, lessons and an evening concert today. We've given out loads of 3 Simple Words evangelistic leaflets and the chaplaincy team feel that we have helped accelerate their ministry here. John and I have been staying in the flat of Dan Ritchie, one of the assistant chaplains.
He's only been at the school since September but already has a posse of young guys who idolise him. No wonder- he's a top bloke. He runs a weekly club for them called 'Breakfast with God' and I asked one young boy why he goes to it. The reply? 'Because I like Mr. Ritchie and I like Jesus'. Dan models Paul's desire to 'follow me as I follow Christ' and sees his role here as being like a youth pastor with a youth group of 300 that he's with 7 days a week. Tomorrow I head off to London for an EA UK meeting, John and the Sonflowerz head back to Wales where we minister together again in the next few days.
Over the years Kingham Hill school has always been a special place to visit and this trip has been no exception.